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One Miracle at a Time: Recognizing Everyday Miracles and Strengthening Faith

The Everyday Miracles We Often Overlook

I’ve seen a lot of answered prayers in my time; I imagine you have as well. I’ve witnessed many miracles in my life, and I’m sure you have too. Yet, there’s always someone who says, "I have never seen a miracle."

But you woke up this morning, right? You can see and hear today, right? Your mother gave birth to you out of a womb and through a birth canal, right?

So, don’t tell me you have never seen a miracle.

Lessons from Mark 6

I am stirred by Mark 6, where Jesus returns to His hometown after performing many miracles, and the people were initially amazed at His wisdom as He taught. Then, there was a shift—they asked, "Wait a minute, isn’t this Joseph the carpenter’s son?" Mark 6:3 says they were offended by Jesus. There’s a shift from wisdom and miracles to offense.

Mark 6:6’s Sobering Message

Mark 6:6 contains a verse that shakes me! It shakes me because I fear it has been true of my life, and I wonder if it might be true of you as well. The verse says, "He was amazed at the depth of their unbelief." At first, they were amazed at Jesus; now, Jesus is amazed by them, and that is not a good thing!

Have We Amazed Jesus with Our Unbelief?

I wonder how many times I have amazed Jesus by my levels of unbelief. As the people of God, we must determine that Jesus is not going to be amazed by us. It’s awesome to be amazed by Him; it’s horrible when He is amazed by us! (Yes, I know He was amazed at the Centurion’s faith, but that’s not what we’re talking about here!) After all our answered prayers, healings, and miracles that we’ve seen, how can we amaze Jesus? So let’s stop amazing Jesus through our unbelief.

Embrace Faith, One Miracle at a Time


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