Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship
*Pastor's Pen
Do not forget in praying twelve minutes a day to include praise. Learning to live in a spirit of praise could forever change your life.
Let me give you two thoughts on how:
First, praise focuses on the greatness of God. David said in Psalm 48:1 Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise. When you focus on the greatness of God your faith will be energized. When your faith is energized, it allows God to being to dominate your life and your problem will begin to shrivel (at least, how you look at your problem). Energized faith will keep you going and growing. Praise allows you to go from strength to strength and glory to glory.
Second, praise is the main access into the presence of God. Psalm 100:4, Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Jack Taylor in his book The Hallelujah Factor writes: “Just as there was a gate into the tabernacle there is a gate into the worship experience whether, private and personal or public and corporate. How often we mistakenly dart into the experience of supposed worship and prayer without praise. This is like someone seeking to crash through the fence into the courtyard of the tabernacle. We had best use the gate. That gate is thanksgiving and praise and it ushers us into the mid-court of God’s glorious presence.” The person who seldom praises the Lord, also seldom experiences God’s nearness. Praise will bring into focus God’s nearness!
As you celebrate Thanksgiving, enter through the gate of thanksgiving and praise.
No Family Night this week. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
There are so many amazing ways you can plug in at Grace:
Join a Bible study
Volunteer: sound booth, camera, children’s ministry, youth ministry, Help’s ministry, Family Night kitchen team, Communion setup/clean up, bulletin prep...
If you would like more information about any of these options or have another gift to share, contact the church office (307-684-7511).
Flying Solo Discussion Group
Ever wish you had someone with whom you could discuss the sermon? Join us Saturday nights after the service. This group is designed especially for people who attend solo. We will meet downstairs. Bring a sandwich and drink if you like. All ages welcome.
Women of Grace.
Friday, November 22 @ 6:30pm
Check your email or Click Here to find more info. and you will find the podcast we will be discussing - Candace Cameron Bure, Season 4, Episodes 5-8. Come for a great time of fellowship, encouragement and growing together as Women of Grace.
“Boundaries” Bible study beginning January 9, 2025 @Grace
Men of Grace.
6AM Tuesdays at 175 W Brock. Call Jeff Wing at 307-621-0204 for more info
6AM Wednesdays at Grace. Call Randy Longnecker at 562-447-8971 for more info
Upcoming Mission Opportunities
April 13-19, 2025, in Dominican Republic
Contact Mike Thomas (307-340-0022) for more info.
February 2025 in Busia, Uganda
Contact Jeff Wing 307-621-0204 for more info.
Campus Update
Excitement is building! I wish you could be in some of the meetings with the utility companies to see firsthand how God is answering prayer.
Our Building Fund crossed the $3.3 million-mark last month. The generosity of God's people has been truly miraculous.
Two Prayer Requests:
Let's pray for a year-end bump in our Building Fund giving!
Pray that the city will be favorable toward moving the sewer line closer to the property