How We Arrived at the Decision to Build a New Church
August 2022
Buffalo Christian Academy
Buffalo Christian Academy was invited to move to the new Grace Campus upon its completion. The leadership of BCA accepted the offer and will be housed in the new Grace Campus building.
July 2022
Brown House Sold
Believing the timing was right, Grace sold the Brown House (former parsonage) for $326,000.
June 2022
The Gift
God provided a way as the adjacent 4.5 acres was paid for and gifted to Grace. The new Grace Campus is now a total of 10 acres on the corner of Main Street and Cemetery Road, owned free and clear.
May 2022
The adjacent 4.5 acres to the west was available, however, Grace did not have the funding to purchase this additional acreage. Our prayer was, if the Lord wanted us to have the property, He would provide a way.
March 2022
Property Purchased
With the contingencies met, the property was purchased. God provided the $300,000 cash for the 5.5 acres.
July 2021
Offer Presented
The Grace Family voted to purchase 5.5 acres of the Bergner property located on the corner of South Main Street and Cemetery Road. The offer made was $300,000 cash with two contingencies:
The City of Buffalo giving Grace a Conditional Use Permit
An acceptable Geo Soil Test completed on the new property
2018 - 2021
Grace considered a number of properties and possibilities, but God closed all of the doors.