Pastors Pen
We are in a weekend teaching series entitled “An Attitude That Changes Everything.” To be honest with you, I am learning much as I prepare and study – I hope you are too. I am most excited about some things that God has been teaching me from Matthew 5:6 (ESV) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Each week we have been looking at a different passage that illustrates the attitude. I can’t wait as we look at a most unlikely person for an amazing revelation from God. The first-person Jesus revealed that He was the Messiah a person beaten up and thrown aside by society. Yet Jesus chose that moment…and the person grabbed the moment.
As you grab your moment today I want to share with you a quote from Tim Hansel and his book, Through the Wilderness of Loneliness. “ The Jesus I know leaks into the difficult places and joyfully overflows into problem places and people. He erupts into the geography of need. Steals into the bruised crevices of hurt-the black and blue areas of pain. And when He fully invades a person by invitation, literally anything can happen. He doesn’t come in to rearrange the furniture; He is into reconstruction. He doesn’t repair; He recreates. He is not so interested in us to make us ‘religious’ as in making us whole in a way that would never even dare ask or imagine. He was considered dangerous to public safety when He walked upon this earth. Today this same Jesus is seeking men and women who will allow Him to be Himself-in all His fullness and unpredictability.”
God loves to reveal Himself to unlikely people who are willing to grab the moment.
I’ll see you this weekend!
Save the Dates
Community VBS @ Summit-July 25-28 @ Summit
Baptism & Potluck Picnic– August 13 &14 at the Train Side of the Park
Power Cooking at GF– August 13, 9-12:00 Text Jill Thorson (307-217-0801) to register
Mexican Fiesta Dinner & Auction—September 9, 5:30-8:30 @ Bomber Mtn. Marietta Wright has donated 17 “Art from the Heart” drawings that will be auctioned. We will also be looking for other items of value: guns, antiques, times shares, etc. All proceeds will go to the Building Fund, More details will be forthcoming. For any questions see Tom Ostlund or Ronda Schlicting.
Family Night Kickoff– September 21
Equip-Open Heavens–November 4-6 with Peter Xu and Marietta Wright
Mark your calendars
for September 9 for the Mexican Fiesta Dinner and Auction Fundraiser. We are still looking for items of value, such as coins, guns, time-shares, collectibles, etc.
Baptism & Picnic
August 13 & 14 at the train side of the park. This will be a potluck meal with the church providing the meat, drinks, and table setting. If you are interested in baptism contact Pastor Paul (307-621-2314) or Stephanie(307-887-5208).
Brown House Update
The Brown House sale was completed on Tuesday, July 26- the total proceeds going into the Building Fund is $311,655.
A note on funds.…
The Building Fund is a restricted fund which means monies designated to this fund can only be used for capital expenses, which includes land acquisition and building of buildings and the cost of furnishing such building. It is restricted in usage so it is not used for day-to-day expenses, utilities, salaries, etc.
With our tithes and offerings, we support the General Fund which is an unrestricted fund. This fund cares for the upkeep, utilities, salaries, and general needs of ministry with the church.
Sportsman’s Retreat @Camp Bethel in Shell
August 19-21, 2022 Open for all men ages 12 yrs + Space is limited; make reservations today Registration brochures at the Information Center at GF
Youth FYI
No Brown House this weekend after the Saturday night worship service.
Save the Date
Children’s Ministries
Saturday Nights
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm
Sunday Mornings
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am
Student Ministries
Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School Students
Saturday Night
Hang out, games, snacks, and lots of fun @ GF after the worship service until about 9:00
Adult Small Groups
Prayer for Missions in the Prayer Room @ GF 12:00pm–1:00pm
Friendship Ministries text 307-267-9833 or email for location, etc.