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Grace Happenings | February 21, 2024

Pastor’s Pen

In case you missed it!

I love the story of the Prodigal Son, when the Father saw his son coming at a distance, he ran out to meet him. (See Luk 15:18-20)

One thing we might not be aware of when reflecting on this parable is a ritual in the Jewish law Talmud called Kazazah. This took place when a Jewish boy had squandered the inheritance amongst Gentiles and tried to return to his community. He would be ceremonially banished – a clay pot would be broken at the feet of the offender to show him and everyone else that he had been publicly shamed and rejected forever. The mother could kiss the offender (the son) but the father was expected to stay in his house.

This prodigal’s dad was breaking all of the rules:

  1. Jewish mature men were not to run.

  2. He was getting to his son before the city fathers could shame him with Kazazah.

The Good News of the Gospel is that through the Cross our God is in the business of removing shame not adding too shame.  Wow, what a Savior!

Grace Men’s Ministry

Worship led by Dale Buckingham

Saturday, March 16

8:30-3:00 @ Grace

Lunch Served

Call/Text 307-340-0022

to reserve your spot

Celebration of the Goodness of God

Annually we meet to hear reports and testimonies of the goodness of God. We will celebrate His goodness together February 25 at 5:30. In addition, to hearing testimonies and reports of what God has been up to there will also be a time of refreshments. Additionally, we will vote on our revised constitution.

The revised constitution is recommended to us unanimously by our Elder Team. It is reflective of what we talked about in the Re-Think Church teaching series. A copy of the revised constitution is available this weekend at the Information Center in the Foyer. You can also request a PDF copy by calling (307-684-7511) or emailing the church office (

Join us this weekend as Pastor Stephanie continues this series.

Saturday Night at 5:30 and Sunday Morning at 9:30

Family Night


@Bomber Mtn. Civic Center 

Meal served from 5:30-6:15

Menu: Taco/Buritto, Refried Beans, Nachos, Salad Bar and Dessert

Small groups for everyone 6:30-7:45

Adults: Pastor Rick will be teaching on the book of Acts

Flashpoint (Middle School—High School) Will be studying the life and ministry of Jesus using clips from The Chosen.

Kindle Kids (Infants– 5th grade): Will be studying Jesus’ ministry.

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