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Grace Happenings | December 28, 2022

Pastor’s Pen

I love new beginnings!

I appreciate so much that God has already visited our 2023 future! He knows what we need and is designing His purpose in each of us right now.

I am pondering Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” The NASB puts these words in a different light, “Cease striving and know that I am God

British Author Graham Cooke says, “Stillness releases a capacity in us to receive truth at a deeper level…Learning how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the midst of problems and difficulties is vital. Without that help, we miss the wealth of our spiritual journey.”

In the midst of difficulties and challenges in our lives that are sure to arrive in 2023, the Lord wants to teach us to be still. Without learning to be still we will not know how to take advantage of opportunities. Being still means I choose to not take things into my own hands but to live in a place of trust and rest.

May your New Year be blessed beyond measure.

Family Night

No Family Night tonight.  Stay warm and Merry Christmas!

Update on the $400,000 Matching Grant

In just 3 ½ weeks we have received an amazing $250,903 toward the matching grant. Wow, thank you Lord! The Grace Family both in Buffalo and around the US is so very generous.

  1. Only $149,000 to reach the goal the Lord set out for us.

  2. BTW offerings that come in on 12/31 and 1/1 will count toward the calendar year 2022.

To track our progress – go HERE

Peter & Ruth Xu have sent Grace a gift of beautiful Chinese calendars.  They will be on the table in the foyer for you to pick up.  The number is limited so first come first served.

Please return books

If you borrowed the books Heavenly Man or Back to Jerusalem, please return them to the church.  These were loaned to us in preparation for Equip and we now need to return them.

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30 pm– 7:00 pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:30 am-11:00 am


Kindle Kids for children infants through 5th grade 6:30-7:45 pm at Grace Fellowship

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School Students


Youth group at Bomber Mount Civic Center 6:30-7:45 pm

Adult Small Groups


Mom’s in Prayer International 8:00 or after school drop off @ Grace

Family Night @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center | Meal 5:30-6:30 | Small Groups 6:30-7:45


Prayer for Missions in the Prayer Room @ GF 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

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