Some have asked, "Why build? Grace already has an awesome and historic building." I learned a long time ago that the shoe should never tell the foot how big it can grow. The same is true for a church building.
Our building has served us well since 1938, but in recent years, God has blessed us in such a way that the building of Grace no longer serves the church of Grace. It is remarkable that we have functioned for so long with only 11 parking spaces, limited seating capacity, and very small community spaces.
Our Saturday and Sunday services have outgrown our worship space, and we have also outgrown our ability to offer hospitality to both our congregation and the wider community—except for smaller groups. Our children’s and student ministry spaces are also limited, requiring us to rent space at the Bomber Mountain Civic Center. While we are thankful for Bomber Mountain, we are subject to their availability, which often prioritizes their profitability.
Our youth group, which draws 35–50 students, our children’s ministry with around 30 children, and our midweek Family Night (featuring a free meal for the church family and community) all rely on the Bomber Mountain facility.
God has provided nearly 10 acres on Cemetery Creek, fully paid for through the generous giving of the Grace family and friends. This land will provide space for a ministry campus that we believe will make a difference in individual lives and the Buffalo community for years to come.
(Photo Credit: Jeff Wing)
Let me share what we believe the Lord has called us to accomplish in several phases.
Phase 1
In Phase 1, we will create a dedicated area for robust children’s ministry and education. This phase will include a large gathering area designed for meals, community events, and sit-down dinners. Additional features include a coffee and internet café and a small, restful common area ideal for meetings. This multifunctional space will enable us to better host weddings, funerals, and other important events for the Buffalo community. As a community church, Grace belongs to the Buffalo community.
Phase 1 will also include the construction of a gymnasium to support our growing student ministry with midweek and after-school activities. Until our permanent Worship Center is built, the gymnasium will serve as a temporary Worship Center, offering a seating capacity of 205.
Phase 2
Phase 2 will provide a Worship Center with a seating capacity of 345. This will allow Grace to effectively handle the growth we believe God desires to bring and will provide space for large-scale events for our congregation and the wider Buffalo community.
Phase 3 and Beyond
Some elements of Phase 3 are already in place, such as the volleyball court and fire pit area. Other components will begin once the building footprint is established.
One of the most exciting features of Phase 3 is the far northwest part of the property, which includes a natural amphitheater (not visible from the road). This space will allow for summer outdoor concerts, with an estimated seating capacity of 1,000 people.
Additionally, the beauty of Cemetery Creek provides a wonderful walking path, designed with thoughtfully placed stones, boulders, and placards, offering spaces for meditation and prayer. It will be a serene and scenic circle for prayer, contemplation, a walk with a friend, or simply a place for good exercise, open to the public. The outdoor spaces will also accommodate baptisms, and we believe spiritual resurrections will take place at the Cemetery Creek campus.
We invite your questions and humbly ask for your prayerful consideration as you think about where you can invest financially with wisdom in a cause greater than we can ever imagine. We believe your investment will touch lives you may never meet and impact families, adults, students, and children who need a chance to step into their God-ordained destiny and purpose. Thank you for your interest in Grace, your generous kindness, and your prayers.
"Spiritual resurrections are going to happen on Cemetery Creek." - Pastor Paul Gilbert