Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship
*Pastor's Pen
Tis’ the season! It is the season of gifts—of both giving and receiving. No wonder, as the jingle says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
A friend reminded me of a powerful Scripture this morning:1 Chronicles 29:14 — But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
In a season where we are being asked, encouraged, and even expected to give, we can sometimes feel a certain amount of pressure—pressure to find the perfect gift, to give a specific amount, and so on. Whether we’re giving a gift to place under a tree, contributing to a charity, or supporting a significant building project, we should always remember this: everything we have to give comes from the hand of our Father. We possess nothing to give that didn’t first come from Him.
So, as you give, let thanksgiving well up in your heart, knowing that it is God who made your giving possible.
I’ll leave you with this thought from this episode of The Pastor’s Pen:Giving is something that God wants for you.
I can’t wait to teach you God’s Word next weekend!
Family Night
@Bomber Mtn. Civic Center
The meal begins at 5:30. We’ll be serving Taco/Burrito, Refried Beans, Salad Bar, Chips, Dessert
After dinner we’ll have small groups for everyone at 6:30.
Adults- April Crider will be speaking this week in the Band Room at Bomber.
Dec. 18 - Adults Christmas Party and Gift Exchange: Bring something form your house to "re-gift" or purchase an inexpensive gift for a Holy spirit-led grab bag gift exchange! Ask God to help you choose something that has prophetic or symbolic meaning for the receiver-something that speaks encouragement into his/her life.
Flashpoint Youth-Middle & High School students is led by Stephanie Berglund and meet in the large gym at Bomber.
Kindle Kids-Infant thru 5th grade. Led by Ms. Kerri, Mr. B and Ms. Sandy
There are so many amazing ways you can plug in at Grace:
Join a Bible study
Volunteer: sound booth, camera, children’s ministry, youth ministry, Help’s ministry, Family Night kitchen team, Communion setup/clean up, bulletin prep...
If you would like more information about any of these options or have another gift to share, contact the church office (307-684-7511).
Flying Solo Discussion Group
Ever wish you had someone with whom you could discuss the sermon? Join us Saturday nights after the service. This group is designed especially for people who attend solo. We will meet downstairs. Bring a sandwich and drink if you like. All ages welcome.
Women of Grace.
Friday, December 13 @ 6:30pm
Christmas Party!
Bring some food to share and enjoy a great time of fellowship, food and fun as Women of Grace.
“Boundaries” Bible study beginning January 9, 2025 @Grace
Men of Grace.
6AM Tuesdays at 175 W Brock. Call Jeff Wing at 307-621-0204 for more info
6AM Wednesdays at Grace. Call Randy Longnecker at 562-447-8971 for more info
Upcoming Mission Opportunities
April 13-19, 2025, in Dominican Republic
Contact Mike Thomas (307-340-0022) for more info.
February 2025 in Busia, Uganda
Contact Jeff Wing 307-621-0204 for more info.
Campus Update
Remembering God's Blessing,
Just two years ago, in December 2022, Grace was blessed with an incredible opportunity: a $400,000 matching grant. The challenge was clear—if Grace could raise $400,000 within the month, a generous foundation would match the amount, turning it into $800,000 by December 31, 2022. When the dust settled, God worked through the generosity of Grace's supporters to raise an astonishing $413,000 in just 30 days, bringing the total to $813,000. What God has done before, He can do again!
To date $3.34 million has been raised. We are over halfway toward what is needed. God can do this through us and for us, ONE MIRACLE AT A TIME.