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July 24, 2024

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Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship


Pastor Paul Gilbert in blue suit jacket standing at podium
Pastor Paul Gilbert

Pastor's Pen

I have encountered many people over the past few weeks who are dealing with disappointment. Proverbs 13:12 rings true: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

I believe part of our disappointment stems from misplaced hope. For instance, we may have unsaved children and place our hope in their transformation. Consequently, we experience disappointment when we do not see the change we prayed for. We pray for a wayward husband or wife, hoping they will change, yet often we are met with disappointment.

Instead of placing our hope in what we ask for or pray for, let us place our hope in God. When I place my hope in God, align with His will, and trust Jesus to fulfill His promises, that becomes a solid foundation to stand on. Rather than facing disappointment after disappointment, place your hope in the God who never disappoints. The antidote to disappointment is always placing our hope in God.

I am trusting God for the series I believe He has led us to, titled “Stitched Up.” I believe many wounds will be healed.



New Series

This week, we will start a new series called "Stitched Up." While sins are forgiven, wounds often remain. In this series of talks, we will learn how the Lord desires to stitch up our wounds.

🔗 Sunday Worship Livestream  |  Sundays 9:30 AM  | 

🔗Coffee With Grace Livestream | Wednesdays 9:00 AM |


Bring your lawn chair, water bottle, bug spray, and $ for ice cream.

Equip 2024 But the church prayed

Equip 2024 - "But the Church Prayed"

Get a Head Start:

One of the seminars this year is "Destined for the Throne'" based on the book by the same name written by Paul Billhiemer. It would be helpful to have read the book prior to taking the class. Pastor Paul says, "Destined for the Throne" is one of the most influential books in his life.

If you want to get a head start on Equip, we have loaner books at the Information Table in the foyer. Leave your name to check it out, read it, and bring it back no later than one month.

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Tuesdays - 6:00 am

175 W Brock

For info, call Jeff Wing 307-621-0204

Starting August 7

Wednesdays - 6:00 am


For info, call Randy 562-447-8971

Campus Update

wooden cross with sunset background in green grass

Continue to pray for all our teams working on the building. Progress is being made. We'll keep you updated.

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donate options at grace fellowship

dark blue ways to give at Grace Fellowship

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